Service Work and Upgrades for Naim Audio
If you have vintage Naim Audio equipment and would like it to be brought back up to its original specification, or even upgraded to new levels of performance, then why not come to us? We have owned Naim Audio equipment ourselves since 1999, and in that time we have serviced many Naim Audio items and brought them back to sounding as good as the day they were made - or in some cases, even better than they sounded originally! We have several customised solutions to upgrading Naim Audio equipment, including our own rectifier and capacitor boards and also our CHC-REG regulator modules, which are a massive step up in terms of sound quality and clarity from the standard Naim Audio IC regulator design. See below for an example of the CHC-REG upgrade pack for Hicaps.
Coming soon - full list of upgrades and additional cost options for every Naim Audio item
We specialise in Naim Audio equipment, but we can also service other equipment depending on the work required.
We offer several different options for most of our services - you can either elect to have your equipment serviced in the 'classic' style, with ageing components replaced on a strict like-for-like basis with brand new equivalents, or you can opt for an 'upgraded' style, with better specified parts used and well-known upgrades made where they will have maximum effect on improving the sound and presentation of the amp - some people think the Naim sound is perfect as it is, and some think that it can be improved upon, so we cater for all tastes from either side of the fence. For strictly 'classic' upgrades, we use the same grade/specs as the Naim original parts where possible, or we will use the same ones that Naim themselves would use nowadays if the part is obsolete. We replace all tantalum capacitors with ones from AVX, which comes at a considerable cost for some amps (and we don't use cheap Chinese ones like we have seen others use in the past!), Vishay BC and Nichicon KZ 'Muse' capacitors are used to replace the original SLCE and ROE parts where the originals are now obsolete (these parts are chosen for their high quality and near-identical sound to the originals), and reservoir caps will be Kendeils, BHC/Kemet or Nichicon Gold Tune as standard, brand used will depend on the capacitor size needed, but we can confirm all details of parts with you and/or use specific ones on request to special order. Our Mundorf capacitors are often a possible upgrade option as well.
The following is NOT an exhaustive list of Naim Audio equipment that we can service, but merely a list of the most popular pieces of equipment that we can service. If your equipment is NOT on the list, then please contact us and we'll be able to advise you on an individual basis. The 'Upgrades' list indicates the extent to which we know the equipment can be modified - one star means we know of a one or two modifications that bring a good little improvement, three stars means that we know of several modifications that will bring a massive improvement - these tend to be more extensive. Our mods are mostly fully reversible if you ever wanted to return them to original spec, so please just ask us for full details on anything.
Naim Audio NAC12 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAC32 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC32.5 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC42 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC42.5 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC52 Servicing cost £510 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAC62 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC72 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC82 Servicing cost £390 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC92 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC102 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC122 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC202 Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAC252 Servicing cost £510 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAC282 Servicing cost £390 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP90 Servicing cost £270 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAP90/3 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAP110 Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP140 Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP150/150X Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAP155XS Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAP180 Servicing cost £360 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP200 Servicing cost £360 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP250 Servicing cost £420 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP250.2 Servicing cost £420 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAP135 Servicing cost £390 each Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAIT Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAIT 2 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAIT 3 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAPSC Servicing cost £90 Upgrades available: *
Naim Audio NAPST Servicing cost £360 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAPS Servicing cost £270 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio SNAPS Servicing cost £270 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio Flatcap Servicing cost £270 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio Flatcap 2/2X/XS Servicing cost £270 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio Hicap Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio CDPS Servicing cost £600 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio XP5-XS Servicing cost £360 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio XPS/XPS2 Servicing cost £360 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio 555PS Servicing cost £600 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio Supercap Servicing cost £480 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio 52PS Servicing cost £540 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio 300PS Servicing cost £360 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio 500PS Servicing cost £600 Upgrades available: **
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade Flatcap PSU £300 See below for more info
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade Hicap PSU £300 See below for more info
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade Supercap PSU £1950 See below for more info
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade 52PS PSU £1950 See below for more info
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade XPS/XPS2 PSU£1800 See below for more info
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade 555PS PSU £1950 See below for more info
*SPECIAL* PSU Upgrade Other PSUs £POA See below for more info
Naim Audio NAXO 2-4 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAXO 3-6 Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio SNAXO 2-4 Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: *
Naim Audio SNAXO 3-6 Servicing cost £330 Upgrades available: *
Naim Audio Stageline Servicing cost £240 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio Headline Servicing cost £240 Upgrades available: **
Note - tuner servicing is limited only to the PSU sections
Naim Audio NAPST (for NAT01) Servicing cost £300 Upgrades available: ***
Naim Audio NAT02 Servicing cost £240 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAT03 Servicing cost £240 Upgrades available: **
Naim Audio NAT05 Servicing cost £240 Upgrades available: **
The CHC-REG upgrade can be fitted to almost any Naim PSU, price depends on the number of regulators needed, and in many cases our capacitor boards can also be added (just ask us about your model of PSU, as we cannot list all the variations here).
The CHC-REG module cannot be fitted into the NAPSC because of the limited space, but it will fit into the Hicap/Flatcap/Flatcap 2X/Supercap, the CDPS/XP5XS/XPS/XPS2/555PS and also the NAPS and SNAPS. The modules can also be fitted inside most preamps, in order to place the regulation as close to the circuit that it is powering as possible - this has long been known to be a worthwhile upgrade, but it does require modification of the PSU - again, if you have any questions just contact us for more info. The more popular options are listed below:
The Hicap requires 2 CHC-REG modules and a custom aluminium heatsink, this upgrade costs £300 (see photos and testimonial below). We also offer a reduced servicing rate if you would like the rest of the Hicap servicing at the same time, this will cost an extra £270. Main reservoir capacitor upgrades are also available, a set of our Mundorf capacitors would add £360 to the servicing cost.
We can also fit the Supercap (all versions) or 52PS with fourteen of our version 2.0 CHC-REG modules for £1950; we also offer a heavily discounted price of just £360 to service the rest of the Supercap at the same time as doing the regulator upgrade. For the 52PS, this service cost is £420 as there are some extra parts to replace compared to the Supercap. Main reservoir capacitor upgrades are also available, a set of our Mundorf capacitors would add £360 for a Supercap and £720 for a 52PS.
We can upgrade an XPS or XPS2 with a set of our reservoir capacitor boards and a full set of our CHC-REG modules, effectively upgrading it to very near the performance level of one of our own XPS PSUs. The cost for this extensive upgrade is £1800, which also covers a full service of the rest of the unit as well. This also includes fitting a full set of our Mundorf PSU capacitors.
In the same way, we can also upgrade a Naim 555PS with our own Mundorf capacitors and CHC-REG modules for £1950, which also covers a full service of the rest of the unit as well.
Project Photos:
SIX NAP250s, 2 Hicaps, NAXO 3-6, NAC32.5. All fully serviced by ourselves (with upgraded CHC-Hicap regulator modules and CHC-upgraded 32.5 cards), all powered with a CHC PowerBlack Distribution Block
Naim NAP250 on the test bench - here we are testing the bias setting after replacing all critical parts with brand new equivalents.
The new upgraded regulator module for the Naim Hicap - our CHC-REG modules are a massive improvement over the original, technologically inferior regulators. They are even better than the Naim DR modules according to some of our clients!
A recently upgraded Naim Supercap - the original wiring loom can be retained if desired (as opposed to being upgraded to a silver plated or a solid silver loom), and our new regulator modules bolt to the existing chassis. The ULTIMATE upgrade!
Customer Testimonials:
Oh. My. God! The package arrived. Beautifully packed and no damage incurred during transit. The units are, as you suggested, exactly like new. The feel and weight of the knobs is incredible. A tiny but lovely point is that it's great to see the green lights through the knobs of the 140 and the Hicap again. Connecting the units was a breeze after following your instructions and photo. But the sound... . The first CD I played was Dark Side of the Moon. I thought that the range of synth sounds on the album would show me what I had. It was as if I'd never heard this 43-year-old album before despite have bought the vinyl when it came out in 1973.
There are sounds on there that I've never heard before, The running and the panting, and when the alarm clock went off one of the cats ran and hid under the coffee table in terror. I've just been playing disc after disc in complete awe. I feel so inadequate to describe what I'm hearing. The delivery is so, so easy it's almost languid, which does not mean that it's laid-back. Far from it, the expression that finally came to mind is effortlessly authoritative. The sound is delivered fully, completely and precisely and without the slightest hint of strain.
There's also the depth of the sound, the bass is amazing and even the shortest organ pipes in a north German cathedral sound as if they're made of an alloy of steel and gold. The listening has also been very emotional. Bach's cello suites played by Pablo Casals were recorded in Madrid in 1938 at the height of the Spanish Civil War. The sadness that he feels for his country yet the passion that he retains for Spain has, for me, always come through his interpretation, but listening to them today reduced me to tears, you bastard!
There are other things to say that can wait until another email. I am truly overwhelmed, and you say the amps will eventually sound even better. Must stock up on the Kleenex!
I just want to get this initial appreciation off to you and to say, Thank You!
John (Spain)
I'd just like to say thank you for a job well done. Your professional approach with a perfectionist’s eye for detail is a credit to you. The upgrades to both my Naim NAC42 and Naim NAP110 are the biggest audio improvements I have heard in a long time. More PRaT for the money as a lot of Flat Earthers would say. This biggest compliment I can give is that they still sound like Naim Audio equipment should, but with a lot more detail, deeper and tighter bass, sweeter tops and a more expansive sound stage. My dad’s Linn Saras have never sounded so good!
Thank you very much,
Alan (UK)
I have purchased several of your products now... Starting with your CHC-XPS power supply, which you brought down to my house and connected it up to my Naim ND5 XS, it sounded fantastic from day one but it is also getting better and better over time. I had you take away my Naim Audio Flatcap XS to be modified [upgraded with CHC-REG modules and a CAP4 board], and you also made me up a Solid Silver DIN interconnect and a PowerBlack Distribution Block, and wow it sounded superb each time we put one of your products on and as they all bed in are sounding better and better. I would like to say a big thank you for saving me a lot of money. so anybody thinking of buying any of your products should buy them in my opinion, they wont regret it. Everything sounds superb in my system, even at low volume to loud, thanks a lot!
Glyn (UK)