Custom Equipment Upgrade and Design Service
Custom HiFi Cables Ltd. is pleased to be able to offer a wide range of services to upgrade and service your existing equipment, to raise it to new levels of performance and/or revitalise older equipment. Over the past 12 months, these are just a selection of the many one-off upgrade projects we have carried out:
- Uupgrade, service and conversion of a Cyrus 2 amplifier and Cyrus PSX PSU (see testimonial below)
- Complete service and fitting of our own upgraded regulator modules to several Naim Audio Hicap PSUs
- Recapping and upgrade of a Quad 405 Power Amp
- Extensive upgrade of a Quad 34 Preamp (including signal caps and op-amp upgrades)
- Upgrade of a Marantz CD84, including PSU, op-amp & signal path capacitor upgrades (testimonial below)
- Extensive upgrade of a Musical Fidelity V-LPS phono stage (see testimonial below)
- Service of a Naim Audio NAT02 Tuner (all PSU caps replaced, regulators upgraded)
- Recapping and rewiring of four monoblock amplifiers, based around the Avondale NCC200 amp board
- Recapping of a vintage Leak Amplifier
- Upgrade of various Technics turntables with our DC1 and DC2 PSUs (see testimonial below)
- Fitting of a captive PowerBlack mains cable to a Naim Audio NAT02 Tuner
- Rewiring of Leviathan Turntable motor unit
- Construction of an upgraded PSU unit for an Audio Alchemy Kraken (see testimonial below)
We have also designed and built equipment from scratch to suit individual customer's requirements, such as:
- Complete design and construction of a customised Preamp and DAC unit, including remote control
and custom front panel display modules
- Complete design and construction of a high quality portable Headphone Amplifier unit, with onboard battery
power, as well as a matching Booster Module & PSU and audio switchbox (see photo and testimonial below)
- Complete design and construction of an 8-output super-PSU for an NVA stage 2 phono stage,
including a complete rebuild and upgrade of the phono stage itself (see photo below)
We only use top-quality components, we have thousands of different parts in stock but if we do not have exactly what we need we will order in specially for each project (we don't use just whatever is lying around!). We have extensive knowledge in the best methods to use in upgrading equipment, and we know where the most effective modifications can be made, so if you are working to a fixed budget we can get the most out of your money for you. Our rates are extremely competitive, and we are certain that you won't be able to find a cheaper quote for a similar level of quality workmanship and service anywhere else.
So, contact us today at and let us know what equipment you would like to upgrade, and we can take it from there. As a first step, we can suggest some areas that would be best suited for upgrading (or you can ask us specifically, for instance if you'd like rear sockets upgrading, internal cables upgrading or ageing capacitors replacing/upgrading), and then we can provide quotes for the parts and labour.
Customer Testimonials:
Sean is a maestro! He has produced a sound from my vintage hi-fi that is better than it was when new. With a consultative, practical and sensible approach to a service/upgrade he has coaxed a performance from my Cyrus 2 amp and my newly acquired Cyrus PSX which is superb. (I only recently bought the PSX add-on power supply that I had intended to buy 25 years ago - is this a record?) Then in an inspired move he suggested adding a socket to my Misson PSX7000 CD player and modifying the PSX to feed the analogue output stage in the CD player. The result is truly outstanding. He has retained the character of the system and made it an adventure to rediscover my CD catalogue and hear as never before. My old (40 years!!!) Wharfedale Dovedale speakers have been re-born. Great result - thanks!
Robert (UK)
The modified PSU/speed box has made another significant sonic improvement. Now that the V-LPS has burned in, the whole setup sounds very, very good. Full and musical sound, with wonderful imaging and sound stage. Best I have ever had from vinyl and thoroughly enjoyable to listen to. Thanks again for a brilliant service that is really affordable and complete value for money.
John (UK)
Hi, I got PSU back OK. Hooked it up, and I know it is early days yet, but the Alchemist Kraken amp seems to be able to ‘breathe’ now without effort. Bass seems much tighter and the amp can be turned to a much higher volume without losing finesse. Playing at lower ‘do not wake the kids’ volumes, there is more detail. I expect that this will improve further over the next few weeks. Thanks again for your work.
Adrian (UK)
The portable headphone amp sounds fantastic! You've exceeded my expectations here Sean. Pat yourself on the back mate. Its outstanding. The bass is just right for me, as I like bassy music, but not overpowering at all. This is much better than the Graham $lee Voyager (and there's not many hi end portables out there that can do that). I've been listening to this for hours on end without any fatigue whatsoever. I've watched movies, TV and listened to music, and its a pleasure to listen to. It's involving, with a crystal clear sound and bass that punches and rolls when required, mid and top end are just right as well. Im VERY happy with it. I'm serious Sean, you could easily sell them en masse instead of just doing this as a one-off project. So, yes, very happy indeed. Thanks Sean!
Richard (UK)
Hi Sean, just a quick word of thanks for your upgrade work on the CD84. It really has made a hell of a difference to its performance! I can't wait to hear it after you've completed the second phase of the upgrade.
Graham (UK)
Project Photos:
Our excellent portable headphone amplifier - small enough to fit into a pocket, powered by on-board batteries that give around 40 hours of moderate volume usage, and can be powered with a mains adapter if desired
An NVA Phono Stage 1 - completely rebuilt with 8 of our CHC-REG modules added. The case and circuit board is all that remains of the original product (note that NVA take the unusual approach of glueing their cases together, and use wooden side panels - we'd never do this ourselves of course, as we prefer to use high quality aluminium cases). The phono stage circuit board is a cut-down version of its original state - the op amps, capacitors and even all the resistors were all removed and upgraded parts were used instead. Power is supplied by an offboard raw DC PSU (not pictured)